<aside> 📌 stop worrying about things you can’t control



<aside> 📌 you don’t have to apologize to anyone


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<aside> 📌 we can always begin again



“I’m not saying goodbye. There isn’t any goodbye, unless gravity, which is lying in wait for me, pulls me down entirely. But how could it, since you are alive.”

Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena



I am a mosaic of everyone I have ever known and loved and touched and I find fragments of them in my playlists and how I make my tea. we may not know each other any more but we will stay connected like this. I hope a fragment of me is with you too.


i just remembered there is always hope and if not there is always change


She craved the hard lock: two minds, hearts, and souls as one, nothing unsaid, nothing untold, nothing unsung.

Linda Gray Sexton*,* from ‘Searching for Mercy Street: My Journey Back to My Mother, Anne Sexton

“Mostly, I want to be kind.”

— Mary Oliver, from Dream Work: Poems; “Dogfish,” published c. 1986

<aside> 📌 it’s okay to cry when you’re having a hard time



<aside> 📌 this, too, shall pass



“He was still too young to know that the heart’s memory eliminates the bad and magnifies the good, and that thanks to this artifice we manage to endure the burden of the past.”

Gabriel García Márquez, from Love in the Time of Cholera (Alfred A. Knopf, 1988)



<aside> 📌 what matters is you did your best, and that’s more than enough



<aside> 📌 let’s become a person that can be proud of ourselves



<aside> 📌 always find time for things that make you feel happy



<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/9b7f5642-157c-46a2-bc6e-0e3e4c10ba99/seedling_1f331.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/9b7f5642-157c-46a2-bc6e-0e3e4c10ba99/seedling_1f331.png" width="40px" /> even when we can't control the situation around us, we can always choose where we're directing our attention

